Your Return

Rain was pelting against my window as I sat alone. It was a mercilessly long cold winter that turned everything to ice, except my heart. Your face and your words warmed my heart that was stung by the freezing air. You told me to hold on, to wait untill you came back. I pushed the […]

In A Bookless World

Reading isn’t only a habit. It’s an escape from the harsh reality I live under. The occupation and oppression. It’s part of my healing.

Spark of Life

I saw you smile and I gazed Was there anything that would make a person smile in my wounded city? Your eyes sparkled with love Your face beamed The sound of your hearty laugh My heart skipped I realized that we are a happy people by nature No matter how much our oppressor tries to […]


A gust of wind blows carrying rain It hits my face But I’m not bothered It’s nature reminding us That it’s a powerful force That can crush oppressors It can deem their weapons futile It can shake up their insides Twist and hurl them to faraway lands Where they become nameless The sea rises high […]

Healing Words

I owe you so much. When you came into my life, I learned to laugh again. Not because you kept telling me jokes. You made me feel worthy. You listened to the words I said. You read my writing and told me I was the best writer ever. It was rare that others acknowledged my […]

Life Flies

Life is flying by too quickly for me and I can’t hold on. Like I’m in a race car without a gear. Too much happening all at once. I try my best to understand this by having these conversations inside my head. When I was growing up, the pace was much slower. Everything took time. […]