The sea waves move back and forth at a steady pulse. I stand there focused to see if the pattern gets disrupted, but it doesn’t. The waves flow back and forth in harmony. When they race to hug the shore, I smile. I remember how I longed for the time when you would come home. One time I ran to the balcony, my mind telling me they’ve set you free. I raced down the stairs like an excited child and opened the door. You weren’t there.
Your oppressor was still holding you in his cold and dark prison cell.
I remember waiting for the time to visit you. We sneaked notes to each other during the short visits. Accompanied by a guard, we could only say so much. I was thankful the guard was too absent-minded to see the notes.
The waves come and go, I’m at peace with the rhythm. I know deep in my heart that no matter how far away we are from each other, our souls are united in their own world.